Monday, December 21, 2009

Homework for 12/23-1/4

For Monday January 4th, you must have completed journal entries 1-13 (through chapter 14-15). The entries can be found here if you lost your paper.

Also, please complete the review puzzle we started in class.

Have a fun and safe break!
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Weekend homework: 12/11-12/14

The rough draft of your expository essay MUST be completed for Monday, no exceptions. Remember, it is a rough draft, so it must be hand written.
Feel free to email me ( if you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to ask!
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Friday, December 4, 2009

Homework 12/5-12/7

Read through chapter 15 of To Kill A Mockingbird and be ready for a quiz on chapters 12-15 for Monday, 12/8. Don't forget to work on your journal entries.
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"To Kill A Mockingbird" online book

For those of you concerned with not being to read while your book is in your locker, do not fret! I stumbled upon an online version that is broken down by chapter right here.
This means you have no excuse as to why you did not read!
There are also guided questions to help you as you read, and even a quiz you can take to brush up on your knowledge. How exciting!
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