Saturday, January 16, 2010

Homework and such for 1/16-1/22

Read up to chapter 30 for Monday, 1/18. We will be finishing the novel Monday, reviewing Tuesday, and having the final test on Wednesday.

Your final journals are due on Wednesday, 1/20. I am counting them for a test grade.

Thursday and Friday will be midterm review days. Please jot down whatever questions you have in regards to the midterm. It will cover The House on Mango Street, To Kill A Mockingbird, as well as grammar and writing.

I will also be assigning assessment projects, as well. More to come on this later.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We will be finishing up To Kill A Mockingbird over the course of this week. Please stay on top of your assignments.

Not only are midterms right around the corner, but the end of the marking period is too. Late assignments will turn into zeros. Do not let this happen!
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Movie extra credit options

Option 1:

  • Rent To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Write a one page typed essay (can be longer, but not shorter) comparing and contasting the book with the movie. Be specific!

Option 2:

  • Go see The Lovely Bones.
  • Write a one page typed essay (can be longer, but not shorter) comparing and contasting the book with the movie. Be specific!
  • You must attach your movie stub along with your essay.

Good luck!

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Vocabulary 1-40

Here are the vocabulary words we have worked on thus far:

  1. assuaged
  2. piety
  3. dictum
  4. taciturn
  5. quaint
  6. malevolent
  7. predilection
  8. domiciled
  9. profane
  10. terrain
  11. indigenous
  12. diminutive
  13. fractious
  14. disapprobation
  15. auspicious
  16. palette
  17. benevolence
  18. honed
  19. caricature
  20. inordinately
  21. ingenuous
  22. innate
  23. guilelessness
  24. fanatical
  25. tentatively
  26. rudiments
  27. articulate
  28. melancholy
  29. palliation
  30. rectitude
  31. tranquil
  32. protruded
  33. propensities
  34. frivolous
  35. propelled
  36. formidable
  37. obliquely
  38. edification
  39. reverent
  40. infallible
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Weekend of 1/9

For Monday, 1/11, you are to read through chapter 24, end at page 238.

You are also to define the following words (words 29-40) and write the sentence from the book:

Do not forget to work on your journal entries!
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

For 1/8

Please complete the graphic organizer you were given in class yesterday regarding the trial of Tom Robinson. It is very important!
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