Monday, March 15, 2010

Act III Summary

  • ACT III, Scene 1:
  • Both the Soothsayer and Artemidorus try to warn Caesar outside the Capitol, but he refuses to listen to them.
  • Once Caesar goes into the Capitol, the conspirators gather around him, pretending to plead a case. Then, without warning, they all stab Caesar to death.
  • Mark Antony flees, but Brutus persuades the conspirators to let him live. Brutus plans to explain the reasons for the killing to the Roman people.
  • Antony returns and pretends to be an ally of the conspirators. Secretly, however, he plans to strike back with help from Octavius Caesar, who is now on his way to Rome.

  • Scene 2:
  • Brutus speaks before a group of "citizens," or common people of Rome. He explains why Caesar had to be slain for the good of Rome.
  • Then, Brutus leaves and Antony speaks to the citizens. A far better judge of human nature than Brutus, Antony cleverly manages to turn the crowd against the conspirators by telling them of Caesar's good works and his concern for the people, as proven by the slain ruler's will. He has left all his wealth to the people.
  • As Antony stirs the citizens to pursue the assassins and kill them, he learns that Octavius has arrived in Rome and that Brutus and Cassius have fled.

  • Scene 3:
  • This scene involves a famous Roman poet named Cinna. (He is not the same Cinna who participated in the assassination.)
  • The angry Roman mob comes upon the poet, believing he is Cinna the conspirator. Soon, they realize this is the wrong man, yet they are so enraged that they slay him anyway. Then, they rush through the city after the true killers of Caesar.
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Act II Summary

  • ACT II, Scene 1:
  • Shortly before dawn on March 15 (the ides of March), Brutus walks in his garden, unable to sleep, brooding over the decision he must make.
  • He receives an anonymous letter (from Cassius) urging him to act on Rome's behalf. Cassius and the conspirators visit Brutus and finalize their plans.
    Brutus' wife, Portia, urges him to reveal his secret to her.

  • Scene 2:
  • Shortly after dawn on March 15, Caesar and his wife Calpurnia are both awake because of the storm. Caesar intends to go to the Capitol, but Calpurnia urges him to stay home because of the many threatening omens.
  • Caesar agrees to stay home for her sake, until Decius, one of the conspirators, convinces him that he must not seem to be afraid of his wife's superstitions.
  • The other conspirators meet at Caesar's house to make sure he does not decide to stay at home.

  • Scene 3:
  • Artemidorus, one of Caesar's supporters, has learned about the plot against Caesar. He reads a letter of warning he has written, then waits in the street for Caesar to pass by.

  • Scene 4:
  • Portia, uneasy about the plot, sends the servant Lucius to go and see what is happening at the Capitol.
  • She then meets the soothsayer, who increases her concern as he predicts danger for Caesar.
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Act I Summary

  • ACT I, SCENE 1:
  • On February 15, the Feast of Lupercal, the people take a holiday to celebrate Caesar's victory over Pompey in a civil war.
  • Marullus and Flavius, two government officials who supported Pompey, attempt to discourage celebrating workers.

  • SCENE 2:
  • On the same day, Caesar attends the traditional race at the festival of Lupercal and receives a warning from a soothsayer to beware the ides of March. (The middle day of each month was called the ides.)
  • After Caesar leaves, Cassius tries to persuade Brutus to turn against Caesar.
  • Caesar returns and mentions to Antony his distrust of Cassius.
  • Casca tells Brutus and Cassius the details of Caesar's rejection of a crown offered to him by the people of Rome.
  • Brutus and Cassius agree to meet again to discuss Caesar.

  • SCENE 3:
  • On the night of March 14, a terrible storm brings different reactions.
    *Casca believes that the storm and other omens mean that the future will bring evil.
    *Cassius believes that these same signs mean that Caesar must be stopped.
  • The two agree that Caesar must not be allowed to continue to rule, and when Cinna joins them, they plot to convince Brutus to join their conspiracy.
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Revamped schedule

I know things have been hectic with the weather, my being absent this past Monday, and state testing. Because I do not want to fall further behind, we will read as much of Act II possible in class on Friday, 3/5, and whatever is not completed must be done for Monday, 3/8 -- this includes the Act II study guide.

Do not forget that your history outlines are due Friday, 3/5. They are counting as a test grade!
Make sure that your outline:
* has the correct heading
*is in MLA format (Times New Roman; 12 font)
* has a creative title
*is complete (Roman Numerals I-V)
*follows the correct outline format
*incorporates both character/plot
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