Monday, November 23, 2009

Homework 11/23-11/30

* Finish reading chapter 8, then rewrite the events of the chapter from Boo Radley’s point of view. This should be no less than a page. It will be handed in for a grade. The more creative, the better!

Wednesday - Sunday:
* Reread the description of Maycomb, Alabama in chapter 1 of the text. Find details about the town from reading. Using the details from the text and your imagination, draw a picture of Maycomb, Alabama on a piece of unlined paper. Label your picture accordingly. Color it in for extra pizazz!

* Read through chapter 11 of To Kill A Mockingbird and be prepared to take a quiz on Monday, November 30th.

* Also, make sure you are keeping up with your journals! You must have through entry 8 done by Monday, November 30th.


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