Sunday, November 8, 2009


As we begin the new marking period, it is time to go over some basic rules:

* I firmly believe that a low grade is better than no grade. If you do not hand in a major assignment on the day that it is due you will lose 5% for each day that it is late (IE 3 days late = -15%).
* Homework and class work are just as important as tests, quizzes, and writing assignments. At the end of the marking period I will add up your homework and class work grades and average them in with your tests, quizzes, and writing assignments as a quiz grade.


* If you are absent or miss class for whatever reason, it is your job to find out what you have missed and to make it up. You can always look at this blog, send me an email (, or check in with a classmate.
* If an assignment is given prior to your absence, I expect you to have it completed on your return or it will be late.
* If you miss a quiz or a test you will only have two days to make it up. After that it becomes a zero.

Extra Help

* I am available before and after school just about every day of the week. Do not hesitate to come see me at any point if you have any questions or concerns, especially if you need extra help. I am always available via email as well (


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